
This Week
Reading/Language Arts: Visual discrimination of the letters: Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii & Jj.
Sight Words: I, am, and, can (continued)
Math: Days of the Week, orally counting to 30, Count 1-5 using 1-to-1 correspondence, cardinality of set (the last number stated is the number of objects in the set), writing numerals 1-5.
Social Studies: Authority Figures & the Rules they Enforce

Science: Keeping Ourselves and the Environment Clean

Next Week
Reading/Language Arts: Visual discrimination of the letters: Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn & Oo.
Sight Words: the, play, little, big
Math: Days of the Week, orally counting to 30, Count 1-5 using 1-to-1 correspondence, cardinality of set (the last number stated is the number of objects in the set), writing numerals 1-5.
Social Studies: What We Do Each Day at School

Science: Keeping Ourselves and the Environment Clean - Continued

Classroom Notes

  • Snack is always a difficult subject. The kids are hungry and I want to have a snack time but please make sure to check the calendar and mark your date on your personal calendar. Snack was not provided 2 days last week and I didn't have enough "backup snack" built up to cover the snack. For instances such as this, you are more than welcome to keep an individual snack in your child's backpack just in case snack is forgotten one day in the week.
Snack Reminder
Monday: Evan

Tuesday: Greenlee
Wednesday: Jasmine
Thursday: Jeremiah
Friday: Joshua

A HUGE thanks to Cazden and Emma-John for snack this week! We had a few days without this week.  Remember, you are more than welcome to keep an individual snack in your child's backpack just in case snack is forgotten one day in the week.

Dates to Remember

Sept. 14th - PTO Cherrydale Fundraiser packets go home
Sept. 18th - 6:00 FREE Hot Dog Supper / 7:00 Back to School Night at CHS - Come and see me! I am showing off some apps that we use in the classroom!
Sept. 19th - Fall School Pictures 
Sept. 20th - Progress Reports go home


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